
The Last Word: GEW North Texas on This Week’s Region-Wide Entrepreneurship Event

by | Nov 14, 2023
GEW North Texas—which kicked off Monday and runs through Sunday November 19—is part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, held in cities worldwide one week each November. The movement aims to inspire entrepreneurs around the globe while fostering connections and increasing collaboration within their ecosystems.
The Last Word: Lauren Lemunyan On How to Get What Matters Most Done Without Losing Your $#!%!

“The average person is only productive for three hours.”

Lauren Lemunyan
Founder and CEO 
Spitfire Coach

.…on why we need to focus on what matters most


Women of Innovation Dallas Startup Week 2022
Here’s What’s Happening at Dallas Startup Week’s Women of Innovation Summit
The Women's Innovation Summit during Dallas Startup Week celebrates women who transform their ideas and ambitions into a reality.

The summit, powered by Toyota Financial Services, features a dynamic group of leading visionaries to give all women in business greater insights and knowledge into the trends and possibilities of the future. The goal? To set women leaders up for success, says Toyota's Stacey Gee-Miller. Here's what you can look forward to on August 10.
WEDallas: Local Experts Talk Video Marketing in the Era of COVID-19, and Beyond
by | Jul 23, 2020
Shelly Slater, Leah Frazier, Mike Mayberry, and Cleo Greene share their tips on the self-produced video creation process in the latest WEDallas virtual bootcamp from The DEC, Capital One, and The Slate.

On Tap: Improv to Improve, Reunion Lawn Party & WeDallas: Top Women in Tech

Browse our curated selection of events to plan your next week — and beyond.
mompreneur Terese Hunwick of Thayer-Carver and Golden Seeds
Here are 5 Essential Elements ‘Mompreneurs’ Need for Success
by | May 29, 2018
The tips were given by female leaders at the first ever Mompreneur Brunch and Learn held recently at The Dallas Entrepreneur Center.
Capital One Announces Mentorship Program for Female Business Owners
by | Nov 15, 2017
The program announced at Tuesday's WEDallas Boot Camp is open to female business owners and entrepreneurs who are members of The Dallas Entrepreneur Center.
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