UT Southwestern Medical Center

Higher education is a hotbed for breakthrough design solutions that help fuel local and regional economies, says Voices writer Holly Ragan.

Three Ways Education Design Can Further Establish Dallas as a Hub for Innovation

by | Jul 24, 2018
Higher education is a hotbed for breakthrough design solutions that help fuel local and regional economies, says Voices writer Holly Ragan.
Discovery: UTSW Discovers Alzheimer’s ‘Big Bang,’ UNTHSC Scientist Tracks Mosquitoes for Your Health
by | Jul 20, 2018
Also, UNT professor Tao Yang has received an award for his research into electrical distribution microgrids. Here are some of the research projects underway in North Texas aimed at making our lives better.
Discovery: UTSW Realizes Brain Receptor Structure, UTA’s Patented New Tech Aids Disabled
by | Jul 6, 2018
Plus, you'll find research on treatments for glucocorticoid-caused glaucoma and improving nuclear waste storage. Here are some of the research projects underway in North Texas aimed at making our lives better.
Discovery: E-Whiskers May Lead to Electronic Human Skin, $750K Grant to Fund Neutrino Research
by | Jun 29, 2018
Also, a collaborative study looks at how important exercise is to good health for those diagnosed with depression. Here are some of the research projects underway in North Texas aimed at making our lives better.

Discovery: Research Examines Sleep at Molecular Level, Scientist Studies Water Retention & Heart Failure

by | Jun 15, 2018
Also, a University of North Texas graduate student finds a way to protect nanoelectronics. Here are some of the research projects and people making strides in the North Texas research community.
Research discovering manufacturing iStock photo
Discovery: $2M State Grant Helps UTA Recruit Renowned Prof, Tiny Fish Aid Childhood Cancer Research
by | Jun 8, 2018
Also, UT Dallas astrophysicists develop a mathematical tool to help answer why the universe is expanding. Here are some of the research projects and people that make the North Texas research community increasingly important.
BrainHealth iStock
Concussions: Retired NFLers, Head Injury Patients May Benefit from New Brain Health Initiatives
by | Jun 5, 2018
A Syracuse, New York-based biosciences company bringing its innovative brain assessments to North Texas is just one example of the latest brain health initiatives in the area especially focused on the lasting consequences of concussions.
brain image
Discovery: UTD Study Probes Socioeconomic Impact on Brain, UTA Patents ‘Cancer Trap’
by | May 18, 2018
Plus, UT Southwestern examines high-tech mental health strategies. Find out more in the weekly roundup of research and development in Dallas-Fort Worth.
skin concept iStock

Discovery: Researchers Tackle Skin Diseases, UNTHSC Library Gets $6.4M, Galderma Publishes Acne Study

by | May 11, 2018
Plus, a local researcher is looking at how media coverage affects public perception of the court system. Find out more in the weekly roundup of research and development in Dallas-Fort Worth.
Discovery: Your Opinion of Your Memory Could Help You, Wearable Fitness Trackers May Aid Cancer Assessments
by | May 4, 2018
Plus, local researchers are looking into how ovarian hormones and blood cholesterol may affect cardiovascular health. Find out more in the weekly roundup of research and development in Dallas-Fort Worth.
ReCode Therapeutics
Discovery: Finding Lung Cancer Therapies, 1 Compound at a Time; UTD Team Creates Better Smartphone Battery
by | Apr 27, 2018
Plus, nicotine has the potential to reduce inflammation in lupus patients and kids with hearing loss are more likely to be bullied. Find out more in our weekly look at R&D in Dallas-Fort Worth.
Discovery: Solving Century-old Mystery Helps Scientist Win Prize, Grant Targets Measuring UAV Group Performance
by | Apr 13, 2018
Researchers across North Texas are making disoveries and conducting research that help make our world better. Here are some of their stories.

Discovery: New UTSW Protocol Detects Bone Metastases, UTA Startup Gets Funding & Research Agreement

by | Mar 9, 2018
Research being done in universities and laboratories across Dallas-Fort Worth is helping to improve our lives, our health, and our world. Here are some of their stories.
Dr. Kentaro Inoue, Dr. Charles Randklev, and Michael Hart
Discovery: Aiding a Fragile Mussel, Trial Seeks Multiple Myeloma Patients, 3-D Universe
by | Feb 23, 2018
Researchers and scientists across North Texas are doing important work to improve our lives, our health, and our world. Here are some of their stories.
Discovery: New Hope for Extending Brain Function, UTD Testing Unique Education Method for Physics
by | Feb 9, 2018
Every day, researchers and scientists across North Texas are discovering new things to improve our health and make our lives easier. Here are some of their stories.
heart failure
Discovery: New Tech to Battle Heart Failure, Crystals Behave Unexpectedly Under Heat
by | Jan 26, 2018
Research and scientific breakthroughs are happening every day in laboratories and universities across North Texas. Here are some of their stories.