ross tower


Talking Pictures: C-Hear to Reveal More About its ‘Internet Disruptor’ Image & Sound Tech

by | Apr 3, 2019
C-Hear's technology—launched at SXSW—creates unfakable documents, produces unstealable images, and allows a user to imbed audio into an image file without saving it as a video.
Startup Week Returns to Downtown Dallas in Early April
by | Mar 7, 2019
Roughly 10,000 are expected to attend the free, five-day event dedicated to connecting startups, founders, corporate and social innovators, investors, and community leaders.
Ross Avenue Sees Renovations to Longtime Landmarks
by | Jun 8, 2018
From Cathedral Guadalupe to Ross Tower, major landmarks along Ross Avenue are undergoing renovations and upgrades.
cooperate innovation
How Large Corporations, Nonprofits Face Challenges of New Technologies
by | Apr 6, 2018
Representatives from American Airlines, Pizza Hut, Hypergiant, and the United Way to Metropolitan Dallas talk about how digital innovation affects their organizations.
Corey Egan

The Future of IoT Rests on Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together

by | Apr 2, 2018
Within two years, the IoT market could become a $11 trillion market said Ilumi Solutions CEO Corey Egan during Dallas Startup Week.
Dallas Startup Week
Dallas Startup Week Announces Ross Tower as Its 2018 Basecamp
by | Feb 22, 2018
The downtown Dallas location includes conference rooms, a coffee shop, and other amenities that support a collaborative working environment.
British Recruitment Firm Lands at Ross Tower
by | May 22, 2017
Dallas came out on top in the company's nationwide office search thanks to its emerging tech sector.