AI art

The Last Word: Akorbi’s Claudia Mirza on the Impact of AI on Artistic Expression

by | Jul 19, 2023
Since co-founding it in 2002, Mirza has led Akorbi, a provider of translation, interpretation, staffing, call centers, learning services, and localization. Writing in LinkedIn, she discusses a different kind of translation: asking generative AI tool Bing to create an image of a woman fighting robots. Bing refused, saying it couldn't display violence.
The Last Word: Fort Worth’s Pindar Van Arman on AI Art
by | Mar 17, 2023
Van Arman is a Fort Worth-based artist and roboticist who's developed robots that "use deep learning neural networks, artificial intelligence, feedback loops, and computational creativity to make a surprising amount of independent aesthetic decisions." But Van Arman insists that he is the artist—not his robots.