The Last Word: Texan by Nature On Its New Conservation Impact Report, By the Numbers

“Texans are rarely all hat and no cattle.”

Taylor Kennedy Frenchi
Program Manager – Nature and Health Alliance
Texan by Nature
.…sharing the organization’s 2023 Conservation Impact Report on LinkedIn

Texan by Nature, founded by former First Lady Laura Bush in 2011, has released its 2023 Impact Report. The numbers tell the story:

  • 11 million acres impacted by Conservation Wrangler and TxN Certified projects
  • Over 5.5 million people reached through these projects
  • 43 conservation leaders recognized
  • $2 million directed to on-the-ground conservation efforts
  • 6.8 billion media impressions
  • 726 trees planted through business member projects

Texan by Nature isn’t just counting trees, though. It’s actively connecting conservation and business. The annual Conservation Summit at the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas brings environmentalists and business leaders to the same table.

“Together, we are making strides toward a future where every business, every Texan participates in conservation,” the organization said.

It’s a big aim, and Wichita Falls-based Frenchi invites everyone to join in “creating a future where Texas is a model of collaborative conservation for the world.”

For more, read the full report.

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