
U.S. Army

On Our Radar: U.S. Army Seeks Home for Military Innovation Office

by | Mar 13, 2018
The new command will be tasked with bringing new technologies online, and would be set in a more corporate environment.
Where ‘Big D’ Stands for Digital
by | Jan 17, 2018
Dallas’ economy is powered by app and software development.
Andrew Patin, Kyle Godfrey, Letia Blanco, Christopher Bryan Alberts, and Christopher Grace.
UTA Student Team Earns
Patent for Smart Bandage
by | Mar 2, 2017
The patent came roughly five years after the students' device won a prestigious engineering award.
Raytheon's new campus will be secured by a 6-foot fence and have 24-hour manned guard shacks at all three entrances.
Raytheon at CityLine: Creating a High-tech Command Center
by | Jan 1, 2016

Raytheon isn’t one to move around a lot. In fact, its current Jupiter Road complex in Garland, which houses its Intelligence, Information and Services (IIS) operations, dates back to the 1950s....