HSC Next

HSC Is Handing Off Operations of Sparkyard, a Platform for Fort Worth Entrepreneurs

by | Nov 27, 2023
HSC Next said the move will allow Sparkyard—a free, one-stop collaborative platform for Fort Worth entrepreneurs and business owners—to grow in ways it could not as part of an academic institution.
The Last Word: GEW North Texas on This Week’s Region-Wide Entrepreneurship Event
by | Nov 14, 2023
GEW North Texas—which kicked off Monday and runs through Sunday November 19—is part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, held in cities worldwide one week each November. The movement aims to inspire entrepreneurs around the globe while fostering connections and increasing collaboration within their ecosystems.
UNT HSC at Fort Worth Launches ‘One Pill Kills’ Anti-Fentanyl Campaign
by | Oct 3, 2023
Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that’s considered far more addictive than heroin, is now the leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 49. Experts say that Fentanyl can be fatal even if just a tiny amount—so small it could fit on a pencil eraser—is ingested.
Tarleton State University Powers Up North Central Texas Innovation Engine With NSF Grant; Eyes Award From DoC
by | Sep 24, 2023
Fort Worth's Rupa Iyer is expanding Tarleton State University's research and innovation impact in the region and beyond. The Stephenville university new "GRANTED" initiative picks up momentum following the recent approval of Tarleton's new Biotechnology Institute in downtown Fort Worth.