Audi Dallas

Exclusive: Spacee, the Dallas-Based Computer Vision and AR Startup, Adds Former Best Buy CEO to Its Advisory Board

Bringing 36 years of experience from his Best Buy days, Brad Anderson isn't just joining Spacee's advisory board. He's also investing in the startup—which aims to transform retail businesses with its HoverTouch interactive experiences, while helping industries track inventories with its Deming shelf-mounted robots. "I was attracted to the company’s learners and adapters," Anderson tells Dallas Innovates. "They're a team of people that when you have a problem, they are unencumbered in their ability to innovate to solve the problem."
Touchscreen Without the Screen: Addison’s Spacee Launches AI-Driven HoverTouch
by | Jun 13, 2022
Customers walking into Audi Dallas are finding touchscreen-like experiences right on Audi car models—without a touchscreen in sight. The new "interactive experience solution" is called HoverTouch, from Addison-based tech startup Spacee. The solution gives customers information while delivering useful data back to the retailer.

"We're still early in the process, but already seeing double-digit in-store sales increases for the products we’re promoting with HoverTouch," says Audi Dallas' auto group CEO.