Tracy Irby

The Last Word: TWU’s Tracy Irby on How to Celebrate National Business Plan Month

As New Year's Eve approaches, thoughts are turning to holidays, fireworks, and—yes—business plans for a whole new year. That may be why December is National Business Plan Month, and TWU's Tracy Irby has the perfect way to celebrate it—by avoiding 5 key business plan mistakes.
Creative Retail to Cold-Pressed Soap: Denton’s AccelerateHER Aims to Help Eight Local Small Businesses Grow
by | Oct 4, 2022
AccelerateHER—a partnership between the Texas Woman’s University Center for Women Entrepreneurs and Stoke Coworking—has named eight local small businesses to its female founder-focused incubator program. Next up: The program aims to expand beyond Denton to Dallas, Houston, and Abilene. “Members will be walking away with stronger foundations to their businesses, and the tools they need to grow,” says Stoke Executive Director Heather Gregory.
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