medical innovation district

near Southside

Discovery: UTA Team Leads Fort Worth Medical Innovation District Planning, UNT Economist Tapped as Fellow

by | Jun 28, 2019
In this roundup of research and development in North Texas, you'll also read about a prestigious summer research program sending a UT Dallas senior 'across the pond.'
near Southside
Medical Innovation District: Fort Worth Targets Near Southside for New Hub
by | May 22, 2019
City leaders hope to have the Near Southside neighborhood in the heart of Fort Worth designated a medical innovation district by the fall. The designation would have the potential of adding thousands of medical and technology related jobs.
Fort Worth
Fort Worth Economic Plan: Entrepreneurs Critical Piece to City’s Future Success
by | Dec 13, 2017
The city's economic development plan covers all facets of business growth from attracting corporate relocations to helping small businesses and neglected neighborhoods.
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