Mark Hopkins

Dallas Startup to Verify People & Data via Blockchain Tech, Plans ICO

by | Aug 6, 2018
VeriToken, an information verification company based on blockchain technology, has already signed almost 20 partners in the last few months including gourmet food distributor La Megara and Sutton Selects.
Digital Fight Club Pulls No Punches in Sparring Over Tech
by | Aug 2, 2018
The rapid rise of new technology makes life easier, but there’s also concerns about disruption, security, obsolescence, and privacy. Tech experts argued their positions during Digital Dallas' annual event.
Onera's Sarah Strobhar, Smart Sorting , scott mackey and david matthews
Emerging Technologies Summit: Harnessing AI, Blockchain & IoT for Future Disruption
by | Apr 23, 2018
The two-day event at UTD brought together experts from IBM, the SEC, and tech startups to discuss ways these technologies could change the world.