
Trend Micro Launches ‘World’s First’ Security Solutions for Consumers Using AI PCs

by | Jun 5, 2024
As PC manufacturers race to bring new AI personal computers to market, consumers face risks along with opportunities. Today global cybersecurity company Trend Micro—whose U.S. HQ is in Irving—announced its first consumer security solutions tailored to safeguard against emerging threats in the new AI PC era.
AT&T, Verizon To Lead New Open RAN Consortium with $42M in Fed Funding and an R&D Facility in Dallas
by | Feb 13, 2024
The Open RAN Testing, Evaluation and R&D Center will be located in the Dallas area with a satellite location near Washington, D.C. The center will test and evaluate Open RAN hardware and software—which could help lead to the adoption of a more flexible, interoperable wireless infrastructure.
AT&T To Invest Up to $14B To Deploy Open RAN Wireless Network in Collaboration with Ericcson
by | Dec 5, 2023
"With this collaboration, we will open up radio access networks, drive innovation, spur competition, and connect more Americans with 5G and fiber," said AT&T's Chris Sambar.
UTA Team Gets Nearly $3M From DOE To Develop Data Center Cooling Tech
by | May 16, 2023
Some things you just gotta keep cool: your temper on the Tollway at 8:45 a.m., your drink after work, and—maybe we should've put this first—data centers. All those endless rows of servers generate heat, which is why cooling accounts for nearly half of a data center's electricity usage. Now a team led by UT Arlington's Dereje Agonafer is developing hybrid cooling technology that could save "a massive amount of money in energy costs" for both current and future servers.

Exclusive: Spacee, the Dallas-Based Computer Vision and AR Startup, Adds Former Best Buy CEO to Its Advisory Board

Bringing 36 years of experience from his Best Buy days, Brad Anderson isn't just joining Spacee's advisory board. He's also investing in the startup—which aims to transform retail businesses with its HoverTouch interactive experiences, while helping industries track inventories with its Deming shelf-mounted robots. "I was attracted to the company’s learners and adapters," Anderson tells Dallas Innovates. "They're a team of people that when you have a problem, they are unencumbered in their ability to innovate to solve the problem."
Retail, Tech, and Innovation Leaders Join North Texas AR Startup’s New Advisory Board
by | Apr 6, 2022
Spacee, a computer vision- and AI-powered augmented reality company, has unveiled a new three-person advisory board in a moment that founder and CEO Skip Howard calls “critical.”
Walmart and Intel Are Bringing Their Holiday Drone Light Show to Dallas
by | Dec 2, 2020
On Dec. 5 at the Cotton Bowl, Walmart is hosting a free holiday experience that features Intel's drones choreographed to popular holiday songs in the air.
Out of Stealth, Dallas ‘Smart Computing’ Platform Joins Highly Selective 5G Open Innovation Lab—and Wins a Global Competition
by | Sep 23, 2020
Taubyte wants to make edge computing easier: "There are still too many Ops, and that doesn't scale in a 5G world," founder Samy Fodil says. That’s why the bootstrapped startup has developed a "NoOps" computing platform to help businesses adopt IoT and infrastructure software.

In joining the 5G Open Innovation Lab founded by T-Mobile, Intel, and NASA, the startup hopes to become the de facto computing platform for IoT.

‘Create the Future’ Design Contest Open for Entries

by | Mar 8, 2017
$20K is up for grabs in the 15th annual contest for engineers, entrepreneurs, and students.