future workforce

From Classroom to Boardroom: Teach For America DFW Brings Together Education Champions for Impact

by | Mar 20, 2024

Community leaders and education champions gathered recently for an inspiring panel discussion hosted by Teach For America Dallas-Fort Worth on the transformative power of collaboration. The event took place in the Debate Room of Old Parkland.

Former First Lady Laura Bush of Dallas welcomed hundreds of guests and shared her experience serving as a teacher in inner-city Houston....

From Machine Learning to Electric Vehicles: Engineering  Tomorrow Brings Free Hands-On Virtual Labs to Texas High Schoolers
by | Mar 15, 2023
The national nonprofit’s expansion to Texas is timely as the Lone Star State is projected to have the second-highest percentage of the nation's future STEM jobs. Engineering Tomorrow has an impressive line-up of industry experts to help introduce students to innovative career paths, including a NASA space vehicle engineer and a General Motors leader, who will lead special virtual lab events for Texas high school students.
Closing Gaps in Achievement and in the Digital Divide are Keys to Building a Stronger Texas Workforce, Nonprofit Leader Says
by | Jan 10, 2021
COVID-19 highlighted disparities in education, with Educate Texas working to improve access to high speed Internet, assist teachers in providing effective instruction online and in class, and promoting pathways to degrees and certifications for good paying jobs.
Q+A: Willis Towers Watson’s Ravin Jesuthasan on Reinventing Jobs for Resiliency
by | Dec 7, 2020
Jesuthasan shared his company's insights on the pandemic's disruption of work, including that more than 50 percent of companies are planning on the deployment of work and talent beyond their legacy jobs.

Lyft to Donate Portion of
Rides to Paul Quinn College

by | Jun 16, 2017
The rideshare company will give one percent of all rides to and from Paul Quinn's campus to the college's Work Program.
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