
Trilogy Studios Is Building Three ‘State-of-the-Art’ Virtual Production Stages in Fort Worth

At 157 feet wide and nearly 24 feet tall, the "largest" virtual cinematic LED volume in the state of Texas is just part of what's being built in Fort Worth by Trilogy Studios—a partnership between Trinity Broadcasting Network and Seattle's Optic8.
Reel Representation: Fort Worth Filmmaker’s Romantic Thriller Chosen By Multiple Film Festivals
by | Jul 29, 2020
Hailing from Fort Worth, director Chyna Robinson has earned prestigious slots at the American Black Film Festival and BronzeLens Film Festival for her film "No Ordinary Love."
Film Commission: $230M in Economic Impact Brought From 2016-17 Dallas Area Filmmaking
by | Apr 12, 2018
Dallas area filmmaking projects have already topped $60 million in economic impact over the first quarter of 2018.
Wild Texas Film Tour Showcases State’s Beauty
by | Aug 7, 2017

There’s more to the state of Texas than large buildings, oil wells and highways — much more  and a short-film tour hitting 11 cities in the Lone Star state aims to show natural wonders outside the state’s urban centers....

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