
Tony Collins Art to Relocate Its HQ to Historic Downtown Kaufman Square

by | Jan 10, 2023
Tony Collins Art makes custom lighting, art, and metal work for restaurants and skyscrapers, and is known for building the rotating structure for the 1934 ExxonMobil Pegasus at the Omni Dallas Hotel. After spending years in Dallas' highly urban Cedars neighborhood, TCA is moving 34 miles southeast to Kaufman's former city hall, fire station, and senior center property. And just in the nick of time—what could become a key city attraction was slated to be a parking lot.
‘The Future of Dining’: Chili’s Expands Robot Servers to 61 Total Restaurants
by | Apr 27, 2022
Rita—a robot that seats guests, runs food to tables, and even sings "Happy Birthday"—has been tested in 10 Chili's restaurants in the Dallas area, California, and Florida. After performing correctly 99% of the time, she's now being expanded to 51 additional Chili's locations nationwide. "To know Rita is to love her," says the SVP of Innovation for Chili's parent company, Brinker International. "Team members have realized she really is there to make their jobs easier."
Flytrex and Brinker Are About to Drop Wings by Drone Into DFW Back Yards
by | Mar 29, 2022
Yariv Bash, co-founder of Israel's SpaceIL, was part of the team behind the 2019 Beresheet moon mission. Now, as co-founder and CEO of Flytrex, he's partnering with Dallas-based Brinker International on drone deliveries of chicken wings to Dallas-Fort Worth back yards and businesses. The launch begins today in Granbury, 30 miles southwest of Fort Worth, with potential plans to expand to "a suburb east of Dallas" as Flytrex' footprint grows.
Chili's MIndhandle
Chili’s Augmented Reality Game Uses New Tech Created by 2 Dallas Companies
by | Jun 18, 2018
The Chili’s Stadium app breaks new ground because it allows iOS and Android users to play each other seamlessly using their own phones.
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