cancer genetics

genetic sequencing

Biotechnology Experts Converge at 2nd Annual IC3 Life Science Summit

by | Oct 27, 2016
Advances in technology are revolutionizing healthcare, changing the entire business model for how doctors treat patients.
Dr. Theodora Ross
Researcher’s Book Offers New Hope in Cancer Research
by | Feb 9, 2016
We connected with Dr. Theodora Ross, author of A Cancer in the Family, on why she came to DFW, UT Southwestern’s work in cancer genetics, and for her thoughts on how we can battle cancer more effectively.
Dr. Theodora Ross
UT Southwestern Doctor Fights Cancer With Genetics
by | Feb 9, 2016
At any given moment, thirteen million people in the United States have cancer. For each of those thirteen million, there are family members who are wondering: Is this cancer part of a pattern? Does cancer run in my family? Am I at risk?