trade agreement

Six Takeaways on What the USMCA Means to Texas and the World

by | Dec 15, 2020
Texas has a special trade relationship with Mexico and Canada, with the two countries employing roughly 1 million Texans and the relationship resulting in $270 billion in trade annually. You can find more takeaways from the United States and these countries' trade representatives below.
USMCA (Formerly NAFTA) Goes Into Effect As Pandemic Disrupts Supply Chains
The new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), formerly the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), launches at a tough time as supply chains are strained in the COVID-19 pandemic. Getting the right goods into the right hands has become a question of resiliency, experts say. The virus has accelerated urgent change in supply chains as they must quickly adapt—within days, in some cases. “What used to be possible with just a pencil, and pen, and paper is now impossible to operate” without technology, analyst Piotr Marczewski says.