
MassChallenge Texas: Here’s How Solenic Medical’s UTSW-Licensed Medical Device Kills an Infection on a Prosthetic Joint

by | Sep 24, 2020
Using alternating magnetic fields in technology created by UTSW researchers, Solenic Medical aims to provide a better way to treat prosthetic joint infections than the current standard of care. Recently, the startup received an FDA designation of a Breakthrough Device.
surgeons SMU
SMU Researchers Among Team Using Video Game Tech to Fight Cancer in Africa
by | Jul 26, 2019
The team's virtual reality simulation places novice surgeons inside a surgical theater in Zambia to learn the intricacies of performing a hysterectomy to battle cervical cancer.
Stock image of A blue bright laser ray on black background
UNT Prof’s Laser Tech Licensed by Australian Research Group
by | Jul 21, 2017
The agreement marks the first time a UNT researcher's patented technology has been licensed, according to the university.
Fort Worth Startup Working On Seamless Surgery Scheduling
by | May 12, 2017
SurgeryLink offers a solution for the communication and coordination challenges that can often hold up medical surgeries.

Fort Worth Surgeon Uses 3-D Technology for Knee Replacement

by | Feb 29, 2016
When Chuck Burr, 58, hits the trail, he often forgets that he had a total knee replacement just 14 months ago.