Panda Biotech

‘Father of Denim’ Joins Leaders at Hemp Ribbon-Cutting at Panda Biotech’s Huge Plant in Wichita Falls

by | Jun 14, 2024
“We will lead the nation in industrial hemp,” Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller said at the grand opening of the hemp processing facility, the second-largest on Earth. Instead of satin ribbon, a hefty length of "hemp denim" got the scissors treatment amid a crowd of city and state officials, business leaders, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe chairman, and Sasson Jeans Founder Paul Guez.
Commercial Operations Begin at Panda Biotech’s Massive Wichita Falls Hemp Gin
The Panda Hemp Gin is Dallas-based Panda Biotech's landmark industrial hemp processing facility in Wichita Falls—a 500,000-square-foot building with three miles of overhead pneumatic duct lines and a 600-yard-long processing line. The gin is the first of its kind and the largest industrial hemp facility in the Western Hemisphere.
Panda Biotech To Open One of the World’s Largest Hemp Fiber Separation Facilities in North Texas
by | Dec 13, 2023
The green-certified company, calling itself a "first-mover" in the emerging U.S. industrial hemp fiber and cellulose industry, is set to bring its Hemp Gin in Wichita Falls online. Eco-friendly industrial hemp has thousands of uses, from textiles and paper to building materials and cat litter.