
UTD Researchers Link High-Fat Diets with Chronic Pain in Mice

by | Nov 21, 2022
“This study indicates you don’t need obesity to trigger pain; you don’t need diabetes; you don’t need a pathology or injury at all," says UTD researcher Dr. Michael Burton. "Eating a high-fat diet for a short period of time is enough." The finding could lead to further research on the impact of high-fat diets on chronic pain, a key component of the opioid epidemic—and potentially pharmacological solutions.
UT Southwestern Is Selected as One of 12 NIH Obesity Research Centers
by | Sep 28, 2022
Over 150 scientists across dozens of departments will be part of the elite National Institutes of Health-funded, university-wide interdisciplinary research center. Dallas' UT Southwestern Medical Center is the only institution in Texas to be selected for the NIH initiative.

UTSW wants to translate scientific discoveries into new therapeutic strategies for the prevention and treatment of obesity, which it describes as a chronic disease affecting more than 40% of the U.S. population, with medical costs nearing $175 billion.
COVID obesity study
STUDY: If You’re Obese, Being Young May Not Protect You From COVID-19, UTSW Researchers Find
by | Nov 17, 2020
People under age 50 are "more likely to be hospitalized, need a ventilator, and die from COVID-19 if they're severely obese," a new study says.
Discovery: UNT Prof Helps Reveal Oldest ‘Cloaked’ Black Hole; UTSW Probes Hormone’s Role in Obesity
by | Aug 23, 2019
In this roundup of research and development activity in North Texas, you’ll also read about a scientist at UT Arlington who discovered bone-like particles in blood, which is a find that could help physicians treat life-threatening conditions.