multiple sclerosis

Backed by $1.6M DHA Grant, UT Dallas Neuroscientist Works To Improve Word Retrieval in MS Patients

by | Jan 22, 2024
In 1985, Dr. John Hart Jr. established that the brain stores knowledge by categories. Now his team in the UTD Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory of Memory and Language has pinpointed patterns of brain activity that appear crucial for word retrieval.
Space research
Discovery: Film Explores Female TWU Researcher’s Trailblazing Space Studies; UNTHSC Prof Helps Lead Opioid Crisis Effort
by | Jul 19, 2019
You'll also find out how scientists at UTD and UT Southwestern hope to improve multiple sclerosis therapies with the help of 3D brain images in this roundup of research and development activities in North Texas.
SMU Students’ Device Measures Muscle Health
by | May 11, 2017
The small device uses electrical current pulsing through a patient's body to assess their muscle health.
UTD Researcher gets $490,000 Grant to Study MS
by | May 10, 2016
The research will focus on how changes in the blood flow to the brain affects cognition in MS patients.