Jeff Eiting

Dallas-Fort Worth Scores High for Large, Affordable Tech Labor Pool in CBRE Report

by | Jul 26, 2018
Dallas-Fort Worth increased the number of tech degree graduates by 81% in the last five years — the fastest growth of all tech talent markets.
tech market
Report: DFW Emerging as Tech Market With Jobs, Office Space
by | Nov 20, 2017
Based on numbers from a recent CBRE report, DFW is considered an emerging market in both high-tech job growth and office space.
Round Table
Office, Multifamily: Building the Fabric of a City
by | Dec 19, 2016
Experts from CBRE, Blackard Global, PegususAblon, and others discuss the trends that are shaping the built environment.
real estate
Architecture, Design: What Does the Future Hold?
by | Dec 5, 2016
Community and community-building, coworking, and amenities will be foundations for what is ahead in real estate.
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