CityLine: A Development That’s Built to Last

by | Jan 1, 2016

With CityLine, KDC and its design and construction partners aren’t just developing a master-planned community for today—they’re keeping tomorrow very much in mind. That means a commitment to sustainability. For the office components, LEED Silver certification from the U.S. Green Building Council will be pursued, which involves using recycled and renewable materials and water- and energy-efficient strategies....

CityLine: A Multifamily Home Run
by | Jan 1, 2016

Thousands of workers will converge upon CityLine when State Farm and Raytheon move into their new office buildings in 2015. Some will have just a short walk to work, with residential options conveniently located on site....

Raytheon's new campus will be secured by a 6-foot fence and have 24-hour manned guard shacks at all three entrances.
Raytheon at CityLine: Creating a High-tech Command Center
by | Jan 1, 2016

Raytheon isn’t one to move around a lot. In fact, its current Jupiter Road complex in Garland, which houses its Intelligence, Information and Services (IIS) operations, dates back to the 1950s....

CityLine Plaza: The focal point of the initial phase will be CityLine Plaza, a centrally located urban plaza designed by the Office of James Burnett, the landscape architect of Dallas’ Klyde Warren Park. The natural looking landscaped plaza will offer open space for outdoor concerts and festivals, shaded gathering spots for meetings or meals and walkways for pedestrian experiences.
CityLine: A Place to Walk About
by | Jan 1, 2016

Most cities grow in random fashion, evolving bit by bit over time. Imagine having the opportunity to design a community for more than 16,000 people—from scratch....


CityLine: Building a City Within a City

by | Jan 1, 2016

It’s hard to appreciate of the size and scope of CityLine without a little perspective. Consider that in 1940, a century after Richardson was first settled, the small town was home to just 740 people.

By 1961, it had about 16,800 residents. When CityLine opens in late 2015, the development will have a daytime population of more than 16,000....