Dallas Hybrid Prep

Dallas Startup Lands Funding to Expand Its ‘Educational Metaverse’ Nationally

by | May 17, 2022
Dallas-based STEMuli was founded by CEO Taylor Shead to create a gamified 'metaverse' where kids can earn tokens and have fun while they learn. Piloted since last summer at Dallas Hybrid Prep, it's given both remote and in-class learning an avatar-packed boost. Now, with a new $3.25 million seed funding round, STEMuli aims to expand its metaverse platform in schools nationally.
Dallas Education Foundation Created an ‘Educational Metaverse’ for DISD. It’s a Finalist for a $1M STOP Award
by | Dec 7, 2021
The Dallas Education Foundation is being recognized for driving the creation of an “educational metaverse” for DISD. Developed by Dallas-based STEMuli Technology, the metaverse is currently being piloted at Dallas Hybrid Prep, the district’s first permanently hybrid school. The STOP Awards, funded by Philadelphia benefactor Janine Yass, will provide a total of $3.5 million in prizes for exceptional educational responses during the COVID pandemic.