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Opportunities for North Texas Innovators

You'll find deadlines coming up for a new accelerator program; and many more opportunities.

Nominate North Texas Small Business Superstars for the 2024 SBA Awards

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Dallas/Fort Worth District Office has officially launched the call for nominations for the race to nominate the region’s best small businesses for the 2024 National and District Small Business Week Awards....

Allied Electronics Seeks Applicants for New RS DesignSpark Accelerate Program
by | Nov 28, 2022
The company is looking for entrepreneurs specializing in hardware and software solutions engineered for digital factories, smart buildings and facilities, energy management and efficiency, Industry 4.0, or supply chains.
CPRIT Is Funding the Development of Products That Fight Cancer
by | Sep 6, 2022
The Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas has provided more than $3.1 billion in funding toward the development of cancer-fighting therapeutics, devices, diagnostics, and tools since 2010. It's now issued a call for startups and early-stage companies to apply for product development research grants for the 2023 fiscal year. “CPRIT’s mission is to invest in the research prowess of Texas institutions while expediting breakthroughs in cancer cures and prevention,” CEO Wayne Roberts said last May.

Hurry, Innovators: Fujitsu is Accepting Entries Until Sept. 30 For Its Ninth Accelerator (This Year, Virtual)

by | Sep 23, 2020
For B2B startups in North Texas, the program is an opportunity to expand business with the world’s fourth largest IT services provider.
DFW CPG to Support the ‘Nation’s First Consumer Products Accelerator’ Coming Soon to Dallas-Fort Worth
by | Jul 13, 2020
SKU DFW is an eight-week program being kicked off this fall by former Whole Foods co-CEO Walter Robb. Later-stage startups focused on consumer packaged goods can apply now for the chance to receive best-in-class curriculum taught by top CPG leaders.
The USPTO is Now Accepting National Medal of Technology and Innovation Nominations
by | Jan 27, 2020
The United States Patent and Trademark Office is accepting nominations until April 3.