Yaning Liu

From Trout Jerky to Bike Safety to Cancer Fighters: 13 DFW Startups Selected for MassChallenge Accelerator

by | Aug 9, 2022
Thirteen Dallas-Fort Worth startups are among the 250 companies named to the MassChallenge 2022 U.S. Early-Stage Accelerator. One of the most acclaimed startup accelerators in the U.S., MassChallenge has supported founders in 20 countries worldwide. Meet the 13 DFW startups who'll get "unparalleled" mentorship and partnership, free workspace in MassChallenge's Dallas office, and the chance to win equity-free cash prizes in the accelerator's up to $1 million annual competition.
UTD Team Develops Rapid Virus Test That’s ‘150 Times More Accurate’—and They’ve Launched a Company to Commercialize It
by | Apr 21, 2022
A team of UT Dallas bioengineers has developed a rapid test for viruses that delivers results as accurate as PCR lab tests within 30 minutes. The test works by attaching gold nanoparticles to antibodies against the virus being tested, then scanning them with two lasers.

Three months after winning the grand prize at the MassChallenge North Texas pitch competition, the team's leader, Dr. Zhenpeng Qin, is working to commercialize the technology through a new company, Avsana Labs.