startup 101

The Shadow CEO:
Stock Classes and Raising Capital

by | Mar 9, 2022
Entrepreneur, investor, and corporate governance authority Dennis Cagan shares insights on seldom-taught things an entrepreneur needs to know about equity and governance—before making needless mistakes—in The Shadow CEO series. Part 7: Stock classes and raising capital
The Shadow CEO:
Equity Beyond Stock Options—Restricted Stock and More
by | Feb 10, 2022
Entrepreneur, investor, and corporate governance authority Dennis Cagan shares insights on seldom-taught things an entrepreneur needs to know about equity and governance—before making needless mistakes—in The Shadow CEO series. Part 6: Restricted stock and more
The Shadow CEO:
What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About the Foundational Documents of a Corporation
by | Dec 19, 2021
Entrepreneur, investor, and corporate governance authority Dennis Cagan shares insights on seldom-taught things an entrepreneur needs to know about equity and governance—before making needless mistakes—in The Shadow CEO series. Part 4: Foundational documents
The Shadow CEO has expert advice for entrepreneurs on Dallas Innovates: Here's what founders need to know about distributing equity. The series bu Dennis Cagan is both a '101' and a master class for entrepreneurs who are growing a startup.
The Shadow CEO:
Deciding to Distribute Startup Equity? Here’s a Founder’s Guide
by | Oct 28, 2021
Entrepreneur, investor, and corporate governance authority Dennis Cagan shares insights on seldom-taught things an entrepreneur needs to know about equity and governance—before making needless mistakes—in the Shadow CEO series. Part 2: Equity distribution for entrepreneurs, explained