site selection dallas fort worth

JLL Managing Director is Optimistic on the Future of Dallas as a ‘Top Contender’ for Corporate Relocations

by | Apr 19, 2022

Torrey Littlejohn thinks Dallas will continue to be a top contender for corporate relocations “as large out-of-state businesses consider moving to Texas to tap into cheaper labor and more favorable tax treatments.”

Littlejohn, managing director and recently named co-leader for JLL’s Dallas office tenant representation team, sees an emphasis on health and wellness, as well as recruiting, by tenants.”Flight...

CBRE’s Jeff Ellerman: The Future Is Bright for Dallas-Fort Worth Corporate Relocations and Consolidations
by | Oct 13, 2020
While COVID-19 has slowed relocations in the short term, the commercial real estate veteran shares his reasons for optimism.
‘There Will be New Opportunities,’ Says Lancaster Economic Development Director
by | Oct 13, 2020
The pandemic is a time to be innovative, says Shane Shepard. Lancaster, with plenty of room for development, is ripe for artificial intelligence and advanced manufacturing, cold storage, food processing, motor vehicle parts manufacturing, and data centers, according to the economic development director in a Q&A.
Hillwood’s Mike Berry: ‘North Texas Has a Lot Working in Our Favor’
by | Oct 13, 2020
COVID-19 accelerated many trends in commercial real estate, especially in e-commerce and the industrial sector. Hillwood President Mike Berry talks about the outlook for corporate relocation in Dallas-Fort Worth, as well as long-term shifts involving technology and what sectors are more pandemic proof, in a wide-ranging Q&A.