“Remarkable Retail” podcast

Steve Dennis

The Last Word: Retail Expert Steve Dennis On the AI-Led Demise of ‘Mediocre Middle’

“The potential shifts made possible by generative AI (and related technologies) do seem fundamentally more game-changing, while illustrating that disruption continues to happen more exponentially than linearly," Steve Dennis said in an email promoting his "Retail Apocalypse" podcast.
Steve Dennis
The Last Word: Steve Dennis on his ‘Remarkable Retail’ Podcast and Why You Should Buckle Up for What’s Coming
by | Jul 7, 2022
In the preview for Season 5 of Dennis' podcast "Remarkable Retail: How to Win and Keep Customers in the Age of Disruption," he tells us to buckle up—and buckle up good.  "Things are only going to get tougher as retailers face escalating competition and increasing macroeconomic headwinds," Dennis predicts.