
2024 Samsung Galaxy Creator Collective to Be Hosted at Dude Perfect HQ in Frisco

by | Mar 5, 2024
The March 27-28 livestreamed event will feature Samsung's #TeamGalaxy members, the dudes from Dude Perfect, keynote speaker MrBeast, and speakers from such top creator platforms as Meta, Reddit, Rolling Stone, Snap, and Spotter.
Billionaire GameStop Executive Chairman Ryan Cohen Named as Company’s New CEO
by | Sep 28, 2023
Grapevine-based video game retailer GameStop has churned through five CEOs in the last five years, an era that featured a Reddit revolt against hedge funds shorting the company's stock. As "Dumb Money," a movie about that frenzy, plays in theaters, GameStop's executive chairman and top shareholder is now taking the company's reins.