2025 TAMEST Hill Prizes winners, from top left: Kenneth M. Hargreaves, D.D.S., Ph.D., The UT Health Science Center at San Antonio; Peter J. Hotez, M.D., Ph.D. (NAM), Baylor College of Medicine; Joan Frances Brennecke, Ph.D. (NAE), UTA; David J. Mangelsdorf, Ph.D. (NAM, NAS), UTSW Medical Center; James Chelikowsky, Ph.D., UTA; and Robert De Lorenzo, M.D., EmergenceMed, LLC [Photos: Lyda Hill Philanthropies]
TAMEST said this is the first year that the prizes recognize six awardees, including a new prize in Public Health, thanks to a $10 million commitment from Lyda Hill Philanthropies to expand and extend the Hill Prizes. Each of the awardees will receive $500,000 in funding from Lyda Hill Philanthropies to accelerate their work.