Linda McMahon

Unanimous Decision: Dallas Economic Development Corporation Confirms Linda McMahon as First CEO

by | May 10, 2024
McMahon, recognized as a powerhouse in the real estate sector, currently serves as president and CEO of The Real Estate Council (TREC), where she has spearheaded transformative initiatives to enhance commercial real estate and economic growth in Dallas. With her impending departure on June 30, TREC CFO/COO Summer Loveland will step in as interim CEO, while the organization actively searches for a successor.
Meet the Inaugural Board of Directors of the Dallas Economic Development Corporation
by | Aug 24, 2022
The newly created Dallas Economic Development Corporation is a nonprofit aimed at attracting new businesses to the city, while supporting economic and workforce development. Formed with the help of $7 million in federal money from the American Rescue Plan Act, the Dallas EDC now has its first board of directors, after receiving approval from the Dallas City Council. “The corporation will play an integral part in growing the Dallas business community, and we need passionate and qualified people at the helm,” said Councilmember Tennell Atkins, chairman of the city’s Economic Development Committee.
How Dallas-Fort Worth Became a Top-Tier Commercial Real Estate Market
by | Feb 21, 2022
Dallas-Fort Worth has joined Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City among the nation's top real estate markets. That rise strikes at the very heart of the region’s viability, charm, and ability to adapt.

It’s a tale of “coopetition,” good weather, available land, and a steady flow of inbound Type A personalities.
After the Pitch: Behind the Scenes of Dallas-Fort Worth’s Pursuit of Amazon’s HQ2
Three experts in economic development, real estate, and investment—Mike Rosa, Linda McMahon, and Todd Watson—recount their roles in the Amazon effort, share details, and look ahead to the region’s future.
high-speed rail

High-Speed Rail Could Transform Dallas’ Urban Core

by | Apr 27, 2017
Proponents say that commercial development around the proposed train station could change how people look at downtown Dallas.