connected devices

Building Trust in Tech: UT Dallas-Backed Research Center Gets National Science Foundation Designation

by | Oct 9, 2019
UT Dallas is a founding partner in The Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust, a.k.a. CHEST, which ensures electronic devices are designed to protect people and communities.
Onera's Sarah Strobhar, Smart Sorting , scott mackey and david matthews
Emerging Technologies Summit: Harnessing AI, Blockchain & IoT for Future Disruption
by | Apr 23, 2018
The two-day event at UTD brought together experts from IBM, the SEC, and tech startups to discuss ways these technologies could change the world.
Mexican Tech Company Sets Up Headquarters in Addison
by | May 18, 2017
Global IT company, Softtek has moved its U.S. and Canada headquarters to Addison, where it will employ more than 100 people.