Aurora Driver

Building on Dallas-Houston Pilot, Uber Freight & Aurora Offer Early Access to Autonomous Trucking to ‘Hundreds of Carriers’

by | Jun 25, 2024
After years of successful Dallas-Houston Uber Freight runs using Aurora's self-driving truck technology, the companies have launched Premier Autonomy—giving "hundreds of carriers" priority access to autonomous truck capacity through 2030.
Aurora Hits Key Milestone on Its Path To Rolling Driverless Trucks Between Dallas and Houston This Year
by | Jan 8, 2024
In partnership with Continental—which is based in Germany with a U.S. HQ in Auburn Hills, Michigan—Aurora says the two companies have finalized the design and architecture of the future fallback system and hardware of the Aurora Driver. Aurora aims to begin rolling totally human-free trucks on I-45 between Dallas and Houston in late 2024.
Human-Free Trucking From Dallas Next Year? Aurora Says Its Tech Is Now ‘Feature Complete’
by | Apr 3, 2023
With the latest beta release of its Aurora Driver autonomous driving system, Aurora Innovation says it's reached a "feature complete" milestone. This could put the company one step closer to its goal of totally human-free freight runs between Dallas and Houston by late 2024.