digital advertising

Dallas-Based GlassView Invests in Wearable Brain Tech Startup To Test Digital Ads on ‘Thousands’ of Volunteers

by | Dec 1, 2022
Cogwear's headband directly measures a user's engagement, emotion, and memory straight from the brain, GlassVIew says. The company plans to use 5,000 of the devices to test digital ad content, using the feedback to help customers fine-tune their ads. "From now on, emotion will be the most important metric in advertising.," says GlassView's founder and CEO. "With neuro-data we can shape campaigns and truly connect with people at scale."
Glass-Media founder Daniel Black
Q+A: Seeing is Glass-Media’s Defibrillator to Resuscitate Brick and Mortar Retailers
by | May 23, 2018
The Dallas-based startup has re-imagined the way customers see, engage, and even interact with a brand when shopping. Ahead of tonight's Digital Dallas Startup Comedy Roast founder Daniel Black talks about his vision for Glass-Media.